Asked by: sree Subject: Mirror Question: What will be the height of a mirror to see a man in full height. Let height of the man is H --------------------------------------------------------------------- Visitor Ip:
Asked by: shalima Subject: physics Question: what is time rate of change of accelaration? is there any application for it in daily life? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Visitor Ip:
Asked by: shalima Subject: physics Question: the reading shown in volts on the bulb is emf or potential difference --------------------------------------------------------------------- Visitor Ip:
Asked by: ram Subject: physics Question: what is difference between air cooler&air conditioner? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Visitor Ip:
Asked by: COMPUTER Subject: IT Question: What is heapsort? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Visitor Ip:
The weight is given by mass multiplied by gravitational field. When we holding a weight in a spring balance it shows the reading 9.8kg is its mass is 1 ? Is a substance of 1kg (as saying normal) have mass (1/9.8) ???
Asked by: ram Subject: superconductivity Question: why cooper paired electrons are not repeling each other? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Visitor Ip:
Asked by: Geeth Subject: Physics Question: How does bubbling affect the cleansing effect of a detergent? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Visitor Ip:
Asked by: Geeth Subject: Physics Question: What makes electric charges show a tendency to cluster together at corners and sharp edges when an object is electrified? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Visitor Ip:
Asked by: Catalyst Subject: Catalyst Question: What is the action of a catalyst in a chemical reaction and how it is acting ? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Visitor Ip:
Asked by: SREE Subject: Nobel Prize Question: Who got Nobel prize in physics for the year 2007 and for what? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Visitor Ip:
Asked by: Subject: cloud like formation while exhaling during cold mornings Question: Can u explain the cloud like formation while exhaling during cold mornings. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Visitor Ip:
Asked by: PS Subject: Collision Question: What are the difference between elastic and inelastic collisions? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Visitor Ip: